About: The short short version…

The path of grief of a 40 something widower / father who’s wife passed after an amazing 11 year battle with breast cancer. This is my self-therapy.

My name is Ryan Schlieper and I’m I guess what you’d call a “young widow”.

My wife Monalisa Lomboy Schlieper kicked the crap out of breast cancer for 11 years. She had over 80 rounds of chemotherapy all told over that course, and I was by her side for all but 3 of them (due to traveling for work).

I work as a Product Lifecycle Manager for a tech company/manufacturer by day and a Pageantry (Marching Band and Winterguard) show designer by whatever other time I have left after being a father to an 13-year-old dynamo of a girl.

I’m hoping by writing here I’ll be helping myself and even moreso helping others that may be part of this completely shit-tastic club we belong to.

I’m a ways down the road now…and have a lot of work ahead. Perspective and a strong sense of time and it’s passing now drive me to work towards the best life I can for myself and those I hold dear.